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[CNN10]2021.11.09/Memorial and Investigation Follow Concert Tragedy in Texas 1. 그냥 들어보기. 2. 스크립트 보며 들어보기 3. 스크립트 독해(모르는 부분은 번역보기) 4. 스크립트 리딩 여러번 해 보기(입에 붙을 때까지) 5. 쉐도잉 2~3회 CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to the show. My name is Carl Azuz. It`s great to see you on this Tuesday in November. At the gates of an event venue in Houston, Texas, flowers and candles have been placed as a memorial for several people who died on Friday night. They were among the 50,000 who atten.. 2021. 11. 10.
[CNN10]2021.11.08/$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk 1. 그냥 들어보기. 2. 스크립트 보며 들어보기 3. 스크립트 독해(모르는 부분은 번역보기) 4. 스크립트 리딩 여러번 해 보기(입에 붙을 때까지) 5. 쉐도잉 2~3회 CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Infrastructure and you. It sounds like an old- timey school informational video, but that is the topic that leads off today`s objective coverage on CNN 10 and we`re happy to have you watching. I`m Carl Azuz. On Friday night, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a spending.. 2021. 11. 9.
[CNN10]2021.11.05/Ethiopia's civil war, Jobs Of The Future 1. 그냥 들어보기. 2. 스크립트 보며 들어보기 3. 스크립트 독해(모르는 부분은 번역보기) 4. 스크립트 리딩 여러번 해 보기(입에 붙을 때까지) 5. 쉐도잉 2~3회 CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: It`s flannel Friday on CNN 10 and that`s pretty awesome. I`m Carl Azuz. Last show of the week takes us to eastern Africa where the nation of Ethiopia is being torn apart by civil war and the nations around it are calling for a ceasefire. Ethiopia is no stranger to strife. Pov.. 2021. 11. 6.
[CNN10]2021.11.04/Most Expensive Thanksgiving Ever 1. 그냥 들어보기. 2. 스크립트 보며 들어보기 3. 스크립트 독해(모르는 부분은 번역보기) 4. 스크립트 리딩 여러번 해 보기(입에 붙을 때까지) 5. 쉐도잉 2~3회 CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi, I`m Carl Azuz. Got some quick hitting headlines to start today`s show, so let`s get to it. First, the U.S. government has made a COVID vaccine available for children ages five to 11. This is for a shot from the companies Pfizer and BioNTech. It has been authorized for eme.. 2021. 11. 5.