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[CNN10]2021.11.10/Challenges Grow At Belarus` Borders With E.U. Countries/Reconnecting Fragmented Forests

by 제이앨 2021. 11. 11.

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CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi I`m Carl Azuz. Thank you for taking 10 for CNN 10 this November 10th. Today we`re unraveling a complicated series of events that are likely behind a migration stand-off in Europe. This is taking place in the eastern part of the continent, at the border between Belarus and Poland. Thousands of people have been camping there in freezing conditions trying to get into the European Union.

Belarus is not a member of the EU, but Poland, Lithuania and Latvia are. They all share borders with Belarus and they`ve all seen a surge in the number of people trying to cross over from Belarus into their countries. Lithuania has declared a state of emergency at its border because of the crisis, and Poland says since September it stopped more than 32,000 attempts by migrants to illegally cross into Poland.

These migrants are not from Belarus. Polish officials say they`re mostly from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. So why is this happening? Well Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko blames western nations for causing the problems the migrants are fleeing, but the European Union blames Belarus, saying its kind to get revenge for punishments the EU gave it in June.

The Belarussian government has been accused of holding an unfair election last year and restricting Belarussians rights and freedoms. So, the EU imposed a number of sanctions on Belarus this summer, and European official say Belarus is trying to pressure the EU by encouraging thousands of migrants to illegally cross into its countries.

Belarussian officials have repeatedly denied doing that, and Belarus blames the EU for treating migrants badly at the borders where several people have died. Humanitarian groups have accused Poland of illegally pushing people back into Belarus instead of accepting their applications for protection.

Poland says it`s been following immigration law, and it`s accused Belarussian authorities of pushing migrants towards its border. So, a lot of back-and-forth accusations are going on here, and thousands of people are caught in the middle.


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CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Challenges Grow At Belarus` Borders With E.U. Countries; Conservationist Works To Reconnect Forest Fragments In Brazil; A Castle Goes Up For Sale. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired November 10, 2021 - 04:00:00   ET THIS IS A RU

