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CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
It could be two months or more before stores across America are fully restocked on baby formula. That`s according to Abbott Laboratories, one of the biggest formula suppliers in America.
Empty shelves and deeply worried parents have become common in the U.S. this year. The nationwide shortage actually dates back to 2020, according to the "Reuters News Agency".
Parents reportedly bought up extra supplies of formula as the COVID pandemic sank in. Since then, changes in availability, demand and supply chain problems have affected the amount of formula for sale.
But the problem got really bad starting in February. That`s when Abbott Nutrition recalled huge amounts of formula after four babies got sick reportedly after being fed products that were made at an Abbott plant. The company says there`s no conclusive evidence that its formula caused the illnesses, but the U.S. government said Abbott didn`t do enough to keep its products from getting contaminated when they were manufactured at the plant. And since February, Abbott hasn`t been able to restart production there without the green light from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This week, the company and the U.S. government said they`d reached an agreement that may lead to the plant`s reopening. That could happen in two weeks. It might still be a month or more before the formula it makes there actually reaches store shelves. In the meantime, some other companies like Nestle say they`re flying in some baby formula made outside the United States.
The government has strict limits on imports of formula. That`s another part of the reason for the shortage. But the White House says it`s having conversations with major manufacturers about how to get more of their products in stores.
Some experts say supply chain problems whether they`re related to formula or other products are likely to continue throughout this year. And even if issues with manufacturing shipping and shipping containers, trucking and warehousing all get resolved, there are still problems with some of the roads and bridges that transporters use.
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CNN.com - Transcripts
Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Efforts Ramp Up To Restock Baby Formula In America; Efforts To Rebuild An Important Bridge Are Delayed; Efforts To Save Andean Condors Make Progress. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired May 18, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH