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[CNN10]2022.03.08/Civilians Evacuate Their War-Torn City In Ukraine

by 제이앨 2022. 3. 8.

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CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I`m Carl Azuz. It`s a brand new week and we`re happy you`re spending a few minutes with us today. First up, attempts are being made to evacuate civilians from war-torn cities in Ukraine. Children are among the people hiding in basements while fighting destroys the buildings above.

Russian and Ukrainian forces agreed to a ceasefire on Saturday to allow people to leave the cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha using a safe evacuation route. But the plan was shut down when fighting continued with each side accusing the other of breaking the ceasefire. They both said they`d try again on Sunday though.

The mayor of the coastal city of Mariupol on the Sea of Azov says there`s no power heat water or Internet. Ukrainian government officials have been asking the countries that support them to establish a no-fly zone. The goal of that would be to keep Russian planes and helicopters from conducting airstrikes in Ukraine.

If that won`t happen, Ukraine`s president has asked for fighter jets and the United States is reportedly in talks with Poland to possibly provide those kinds of planes to Ukraine.

But while America and several other countries have given Ukraine weapons and ammunition for the war, officials say they`re hesitant on requests for a no-fly zone and fighter jets because Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that would make them participants in the conflict, and the U.S. and European countries have said they don`t want to directly get involved against the Russian military. They don`t want the conflict to escalate beyond Ukraine.

The Russian leader has already called the Western sanctions the financial penalties on Russia the equivalent of a war declaration but while they continue to expand and hurt Russia economically they have not brought an end to its invasion of Ukraine. Shipments of international aid, surgical kits trauma kits, medicines, first aid packages, they`ve begun to arrive in the Ukrainian capital. Government officials there say thousands of people have been going for days without electricity, food, running water or basic day-to-day supplies.


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CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Civilians Evacuate Their War-Torn City In Ukraine; A Tornado Strikes Several Counties In Iowa; A Well-Preserved Shipwreck Is Discovered In Lake Superior. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired March 07, 2022 - 04:00   ET THIS IS A R


