해커스 제니리15 [패턴11] I will/would #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴11] I will/would #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 65 You’ll be able to ~ 너는 ~ 할 수 있을 거야 - You’ll be able to do it. - You’ll be able to learn. - You’ll be able to come back. - You’ll be able to tell the difference. - You’ll be able to succeed. - You’ll be able to do anything you want. - You’ll be able to make more money. - You’ll be able to meet new people. Day 66 I’d rather ~ 차라리 ~할래 - I’d rather not. - I’d .. 2021. 10. 15. [패턴10] How / When / Why #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴10] How / When / Why #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 59 How come ~? 어째서 ~일 수 있어? - How come I didn't know about this? - How come you know that? - How come you don't like it? - How come you don't call me? - How come you didn't say anything? - How come the door is locked? - How come they don't know? - How come you left? Day 60 How do you know ~? 어떻게 ~를 알아? - How do you know that? - How do you know if it's tru.. 2021. 10. 15. [패턴9] Who / What #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴9] Who / What #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 53 Who’s going to ~? 누가 ~할까? - Who’s going to come? - Who’s going to win? - Who’s going to help me? - Who’s going to pay for this? - Who’s going to cook? - Who’s going to drive? - Who’s going to pick him up? - Who’s going to teach us? Day 54 Who would ~? 누가 ~하겠어? - Who would say that? - Who would have thought that? - Who would do something like that? - Who would.. 2021. 10. 11. [패턴8] I think #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴8] I think #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 48 I think I should ~ 나 ~해야 할 것 같아 - I think I should go back. - I think I should leave. - I think I should go to the hospital. - I think I should go to bed. - I think I should take a break. - I think I should stay. - I think I should ask someone. - I think I should check again. Day 49 I don’t think I should ~ 나 ~하면 안 될 것 같아 - I don’t think I should say it. - I don.. 2021. 10. 11. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음