영어회화 왕초보14 [패턴15] 표현이 더 풍부해지는 추가 패턴 #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴15] 표현이 더 풍부해지는 추가 패턴 #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 92 I feel like ~ ~인 것 같은 기분이야 - I feel like a boss. - I feel like a teenager. - I feel like I can trust you. - I feel like I'm wrong. - I feel like I'm at home. - I feel like it's over. - I feel like I'm getting sick. - I feel like we've met before. Day 93 It seems like ~ ~인듯해 - It seems like a problem. - It seems like a lot of work. - It seems like a gr.. 2021. 10. 16. [패턴14] I should/must #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴14] I should/must #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 86 I should be able to ~ 나는 꼭 ~할 수 있을 거야 - I should be able to come. - I should be able to fix it. - I should be able to buy it. - I should be able to do better. - I should be able to do this myself. - I should be able to talk to him. - I should be able to arrive early. Day 87 I should have known ~ 나는 ~을 알았어야 했어 - I should have known the truth. - I should ha.. 2021. 10. 16. [패턴13] I may/might #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴13] I may/might #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 82 May I help you ~ 제가 ~을 도와드릴까요? - May I help you with that? - May I help you find something? - May I help you with something else? - May I help you with your order? - May I help you with anything? - May I help you get a taxi? - May I help you book a flight? - May I help you find your seat? Day 83 You might have ~ 너는 ~이었을지도 몰라 - You might have been busy. - Yo.. 2021. 10. 16. [패턴12] I can/could #영어회화 10분의기적 [패턴12] I can/could #영어회화 10분의기적 Day 72 Can you help me ~? ~ 좀 도와줄래? - Can you help me with this? - Can you help me with my homework? - Can you help me again? - Can you help me understand? - Can you help me find him? - Can you help me with this matter? - Can you help me wash the dishes? - Can you help me pick this up? Day 73 Can you tell me ~? ~를 알려 줄래? - Can you tell me where I am? - Can you tel.. 2021. 10. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음